2021 Annual General Meeting – Includes a presentation by Canoe North Adventures

Running a northern river with Canoe North Adventures
On Monday November 22, GLSKA will hold its AGM meeting via Zoom.  An agenda will follow prior to meeting.  The meeting is open to all members but it would be more productive if you email me directly (gardave@sympatico.ca) indicating your interest in participating.  In that way my email of access to the meeting can be more targeted to those of most interest.
The Zoom porthole will open at 6:00pm for social interaction between members.  The formal portion of the meeting will start at 6:30pm with a presentation from Canoe North Adventures.  Since 1987 Canoe North Adventures, run by Al Pace and Lin Ward, have offered canoe adventures to the Yukon, Nunavut, and the North West Territories.  This award winning travel company has a long standing reputation for excellent adventures.  You can explore them further in advance at canoenorthadventures.com. If you see content on the site of particular interest please let me know and we will attempt to incorporate it in the presentation.
The business portion of the meeting will begin approximately at 7:15pm to 7:30pm and last approximately 1.5 hours.  The meeting will be seeking additional board members to assist in the ongoing operations of the club.  Please give this consideration and email me directly if you are willing to join the Board of Directors.
The meeting will be presenting a change to the By-Laws of the club.  Presently the By-Laws state that the AGM must be attended by 8 members in person.  As we are all well aware this has not been possible of late. There will be a motion to change and update the By-Laws to better reflect current realities.  The new wording will be as follows: AGM must be attended by 8 members in person or virtually….  The attendance requirements will remain unchanged.
Hopefully the 2023 season will find us even more active ad free of restrictions and closures to allow us to return to a more “normal” season.
Ralph Gardave,  President
