Flowerpot Island Orchid Search

fp1.JPGby Bob Farrington
Photographs by Rob Muylwyk

Friday, May 25, dawned overcast, gloomy and generally depressing. Carol and I had camped Thursday night at Cyprus Lake so we could start fresh Friday morning. We checked out of the Park with a bright young woman whose husband ran an outfitting/guiding operation from Tobermory. We happened to mention that we were planning to kayak to Flowerpot Island.

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Craig Lake State Park, Champion, Upper Peninsula, Michigan

by Jennifer Kilbourne

My husband has a fishing kayak. I have a sea kayak. Last August, we both wanted to “get away from it all” and spend a few days enjoying some time on the water as well as some backcountry camping. The classic sea kayak journey through the Apostle Islands wasn’t an option, and fishing at Lighthouse Cove on Lake St. Clair just wasn’t adventurous enough. Solution: a week at Craig Lake State Park in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

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