Paddling The Outer Coast of Nootka Island

by Tim Dyer

The Voyages of the Starship White Squall – or Tim’s vain attempt to revisit his youth and take his son Jesse (and other young staffers) to his old stomping grounds on the west side of Vancouver Island, where he had been a kayak guide with Strathcona Outdoor Centre 30 years before, at the backend of the paddling season.

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Kayaking and History

by Bert Millar

I like to paddle kayaks. I like to paddle on creeks, rivers and big water. I enjoy flat water and l love to kayak in monster seas. I like to kayak camp, hike, explore and watch nature. I like to maintain, repair and modify kayaks. I like to mess around in kayaks, go upside down, do rolls, rescues and get wet. I like to read about kayaks and sit in a coffee shop with other paddlers and BS about kayaking. Enough said …we all like that stuff too, don’t we?

But there is another aspect or by-product of kayaking I enjoy and that is observing the history of areas we visit.

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Tobermory to Killarney – a Kayak Adventure


by Jocelyn Bertheau

“There’s a small watercraft warning and a thunderstorm coming up later in the day … the local kayak outfitter is not renting!” we heard from the ranger at the new visitor centre of Fathom Five National Marine Park, just outside Tobermory.

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