Sea Kayaking – The Who, What, Where, Why, When and How of the Sport

by Wendy Killoran


Sea kayaking is a water sport that opens up a lifetime of endless possibilities of exploration and recreation. A sea kayak, life jacket, double bladed paddle and spray skirt are the bare essentials needed to be able to paddle as well as feeling comfortable on the water. Sea kayaking is an enchanting method of exploring one’s surroundings, giving access to inaccessible shoreline. It is a great way to occupy oneself, spending quality time with friends and family.

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Kayaking into the stillness of Grafton Pond

This Pond is Your Pond
This Pond is Your Pond

by Richard E. Winslow III

As something of a stranger to western New Hampshire I discovered that Grafton Pond was no easy destination. Getting there became an ordeal of hit-and-mostly-missed dirt roads. A tucked-away 235-acre body of water in the Canaan-Enfield region, the Grafton Pond Reservation was donated to, and has been administered since 1984 by, the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF). Finally I found it, and my dusty car and I emerged at a dam. Beyond lay the blue sheen of Grafton Pond, lovely in July’s midmorning sun.

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The Ghost of Dunk’s Bay

by Rob Muylwyk

Early one Saturday morning, in the middle of August of 2002, I joined Dan, John C., Greg and Dave for a windy weekend trip, organized and led by John D, along the northeast coast of the Bruce Peninsula. I had just checked the, so I could share the dire predictions with the group: winds in the order of 40 km/h. The sun was shining, it was a beautiful day, and nobody seemed too worried about the forecast, so away we went.

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Innovation or Hyperbole?

by John Winters

What would you do to improve the design of kayaks? More importantly, what can you think of that would have a dramatic (or at least noticeable) effect on kayak performance – an effect you could legitimately call an innovation?

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Hakai: Paddling the Rain Coast

The Rain Coast
The Rain Coast

by Donna Griffin-Smith

Saturday June 28, 2003; finally we are ready. Plans for our trip began more than a year ago, and moved into high gear in May as we packed all the equipment we thought we would need for an extended cross Canada road trip, plus all our gear and dried foods for kayaking on the west coast.

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