We launch our precious vessels
Each a distinct lovely sculpture
Like Oriental vases crafted as kayaks
Keith Rodgers
Killarney to Hartley Bay
by Daniel K. Jenkins Well this is a first for me so don’t be too hard on me. I feel like I’m in grade school and doing a “What I did on my summer vacation” report. Having only been on a few day trips, the Rendezvous and one extended trip with one other member it was with great anticipation and some reluctance that I signed up for this trip.
The Lure of Labrador
by Wendy Killoran
Labrador is a land of superlatives. It is a land that truly can awaken your heart and soul as the Newfoundland and Labrador tourism slogan promotes. Its stark beauty betrays the hard realities that hardy individuals endure in this land of vast natural splendor. I’d come to Labrador to paddle with whales and icebergs. I’d come to experience Labrador both naturally and culturally. I would not go home disappointed.
Colpoy’s Bay Islands
by Doug Cunningham
Spectacular vistas await the paddler as he circumnavigates White Cloud Island in Colpoy’s Bay: majestic bluffs, blue water, forested islands and cobblestone beaches.
Seven Days in Quebec
by Hart Haessler
There are big lakes out there and I’ve never seen them. This was Sam’s characteristic explanation for choosing the Matagami area of Quebec for his August 2000 GLSKA trip. He had written to the development officer of Matagami for information. In essence this was the reply: “The area is ideal for kayaking, indeed he himself had enjoyed many trips in this beautiful wilderness – blessed with perfect weather, abundant wildlife, and prosperous industries.” The fact that Matagami is a mining town of 2000 isolated souls (and dwindling), 800 kilometres north of Toronto, wholly owned and operated by a mining company, was left for me to discover on the Internet.