Paddling with Risk

by Ralph Gardave

We all paddle with risk every time we go out. I know I do it with little thought about it anymore. Recent events this summer have made it more top of mind. Do I give it the respect and consideration that it deserves? The answer is probably not enough and not often enough.

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Rescue Stirrup

by Ralph Gardave

The rescue stirrup is a versatile aid to both solo and assisted rescues that I don’t see in many paddlers’ boats. It may just be that people are unaware of this piece of equipment. On the other hand, many paddlers who have solid rescue and/or rolling skills may simply feel that we don’t need it as they have several methods to get back into their boat should a mishap occur. Regardless of which category you fall into reading this article may have you considering a rescue stirrup.

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On-water Group Management and Communication

by Ralph Gardave
(GLSKA Trip Committee Chair)
As the Trip Committee Coordinator I get feedback from trip leaders regarding The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of their trip leading experiences. The most frequent concern I hear about is challenges in managing the group on the water. To me the art of group management on the water breaks down into three key areas: (1) The Leader, (2) The Group itself, and (3) The Sweep.

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Haida Gwaii

HG1by Ralph Gardave

The fun of this trip began before I arrived. A considerable amount of time had elapsed since I had booked the hotel accommodations. I called to confirm them a week in advance and asked if it was easy to arrange transportation from the airport. When I asked this question there was a very long pause on the other end of the phone and then I was informed that it was in fact easy to arrange transport or I could simply walk across the street.

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Are you thinking of a new VHF radio?  If not maybe you should be.   There have been substantial improvements made to the traditional analog VHF that could save your life! This article focuses on the life saving benefits of this technology and is not intended to cover all of the benefits of DSC VHF communications.

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