Tobermory to Killarney – a Kayak Adventure


by Jocelyn Bertheau

“There’s a small watercraft warning and a thunderstorm coming up later in the day … the local kayak outfitter is not renting!” we heard from the ranger at the new visitor centre of Fathom Five National Marine Park, just outside Tobermory.

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McCoy Island Trip

by Vivian Wade

Eleven of us met at Big McCoy Island for a great extended weekend of paddling. The trip, which was led by Ron Coulson, included Nancy Coulson, Brian Rohde, Bill Jackson, Rod Govan, Arend de Boer, Sarka Lhotak, David Ivens, Johanna Wandel, Kaz Kusmierczak and Vivian Wade.

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GLSKA First-Timers Trip

by Deborah Jackson

Kayak clubs, I have been informed, are typically guilty of being populated by snobbish folks with less than warm welcomes for newcomers. I have run across such clubs, but GLSKA is definitely not one of them. When the club president makes an effort to break the mould and reach out to newcomers by planning and leading a trip, open to all, it surely speaks to a higher understanding of how to build a great Association. The time and patience invested in slowing the pace to guide, encourage and inspire new members will contribute to the group’s base of proficient kayakers and ensure greater enjoyment by all. I applaud this move and am thankful to have been able to participate in the fourth annual GLSKA First-timers trip to Massasauga Provincial Park, in Georgian Bay.

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