Promoting Stewardship: GLSKA’s Georgian Bay Committee

By Doug Cunningham
Founder and First Chairman of the Georgian Bay Committee

I remember the day well. It was the occasion of the GLSKA Annual Meeting in November 1993 and the final agenda item, Other Business, was tabled. I spoke up, expressing my concern for the fragility of the Bay Islands and the need to preserve their quality for the enjoyment of future generations.

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Slate Islands Sojourn

Caribou in the Slates
Caribou in the Slates

Donna Griffin-Smith

Monday, August 2, 6 a.m.: Our group of eight kayakers stood on the beach staring into a dense pea soup fog. Contrary to its reputation, Lake Superior was flat calm. Not a whisper of wind and no waves. Somewhere before us, were the Slate Islands. We knew they were out there somewhere, but where?

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In the Land of the Great Manitou

The shore was wild and beautiful
The shore was wild and beautiful

by Wendy Killoran

I’d arrived on Manitoulin Island’s shore with a great sense of mystery. The world’s largest freshwater island is situated at the northern tip of Lake Huron. As I paddled counterclockwise around its convoluted coastline with my paddling companion Michael, a natural paradise of spiritual presence, mystical wonders and magical moments revealed itself.

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Fjords of Ice – Greenland

Greenland: the realm of sculpted icebergs, snow-capped mountains, immense glaciers and sheltered fjords
Greenland: the realm of sculpted icebergs, snow-capped mountains, immense glaciers and sheltered fjords

Wendy Killoran

The exhilaration of sitting in a kayak at the foot of an actively calving glacier got my adrenaline flowing and my heart thumping! As a paddler, I’d dreamt of paddling in Greenland, a paradise of ice, for a long time. An icy kingdom wondrously revealed itself to me as I paddled its fjords of ice. I’d paddled in a small group for almost two weeks in this realm of sculpted icebergs, drift ice, snow-capped serrated mountains, immense glaciers and sheltered fjords.

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Fjords of Ice – Greenland

Greenland: the realm of sculpted icebergs, snow-capped mountains, immense glaciers and sheltered fjords
Greenland: the realm of sculpted icebergs, snow-capped mountains, immense glaciers and sheltered fjords

Wendy Killoran

The exhilaration of sitting in a kayak at the foot of an actively calving glacier got my adrenaline flowing and my heart thumping! As a paddler, I’d dreamt of paddling in Greenland, a paradise of ice, for a long time. An icy kingdom wondrously revealed itself to me as I paddled its fjords of ice. I’d paddled in a small group for almost two weeks in this realm of sculpted icebergs, drift ice, snow-capped serrated mountains, immense glaciers and sheltered fjords.

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