Kayaking the Edisto River in South Carolina

Paddling in the Snuggedy Swamp
Paddling in the Snuggedy Swamp

by Keith Rodgers

We have driven down the monotonous stretch of the I-95 south of Richmond, Virginia. Miles of straight blacktop, except when it’s silver grey concrete streaked with long black rubber skid marks that end with no explanation, not even a shard of glass. It was late in April when we came south, and by mid-morning it was already hot on the Carolina coastal plain. Large billboards pushing fireworks and towel outlets flicked by. The carcasses of dead truck tires lay in twists on the highway’s shoulder, mile after mile. Like the rest of the endless traffic we ran along at a respectable 10 mph above the limit. From time to time I checked breaks in the roadside tree cover for the cars of lurking state troopers or glanced up through the windshield at the rope securing the prow of the kayak on the car roof. For over 800 miles neither gave us any trouble.

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Paddling with Puffins and Vikings – Iceland


Huge flocks of floating guillemots speckled the water...
Huge flocks of floating guillemots speckled the water…

by Wendy Killoran

I had anticipated this moment for several months, camped at Hornvik’s sweeping beach with an expansive view of craggy Hornbjarg rising majestically half a kilometre straight from the ocean. My paddling companions, six Icelandic men (Baldur Petursson, Gummi Breiddal, Petur Hilmursson, Sveinbjorn Kristjansson, Eythor Pall Hauksson and Halldor Sveinbjornsson), were busy with meal preparations. A soft light filled the sky, even though it was midnight. It was early July and the sun never sets during June and July in the Westfjords of Iceland.

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Paddling with Puffins and Vikings – Iceland


Huge flocks of floating guillemots speckled the water...
Huge flocks of floating guillemots speckled the water…

by Wendy Killoran

I had anticipated this moment for several months, camped at Hornvik’s sweeping beach with an expansive view of craggy Hornbjarg rising majestically half a kilometre straight from the ocean. My paddling companions, six Icelandic men (Baldur Petursson, Gummi Breiddal, Petur Hilmursson, Sveinbjorn Kristjansson, Eythor Pall Hauksson and Halldor Sveinbjornsson), were busy with meal preparations. A soft light filled the sky, even though it was midnight. It was early July and the sun never sets during June and July in the Westfjords of Iceland.

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Franklin Island: Paddling Season “Warm-Up” Trip

by Sarka Lhotak 

Eager to get on Georgian Bay with my new kayak, I signed-up on this Victoria Day Weekend trip organized by Wolfgang Kuschke. As the date was approaching, however, I followed the weather forecast with concern. The maximum temperatures were not to exceed 4º C that weekend. “Wolfgang, are we going? I think it is crazy.” Wolfgang had his doubts too but soon was back on the phone: “Guess what, everybody wants to go, so it’s on.” At this point I could not chicken out.

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