GLSKA Annual General Meeting 2016

The good news first – the club remains solvent, about the same number of trips were enjoyed this year as last, and our 2016 Rendezvous was greatly enjoyed. On the disappointing side of the ledger, our membership numbers continue to experience a slow decline. On the 29th October 20 members turned up at the Port Credit Memorial Arena to hear this news, support the club and elect a board of directors. An attendance of 20 is another piece of good news, substantially higher than recent years. The Port Credit Arena is a cheerful place and our just-the-right-size meeting room overlooked the rink, busy with hockey practice. Fueled by coffee and donuts the room buzzed with conversation, quieting down as Ralph Gardave presented a slide-show account of a kayaking trip in the Haida Gwaii Islands, off the north coast of BC. Concluding with the arrival of a selection of pizzas, the talk and the lunch were much enjoyed.

After lunch the business meeting got underway with reports from the President and the other directors responsible for various aspects of the club, the results of which are briefly summarized above. Three of our directors of the board were up for re-election at the end of their two-year terms. Ralph Gardave and Ken Chorel indicated they were available for re-election for a further term, John Fitzsimons had decided not to run again and was thanked by Ralph for his good work as chair of the Trips committee. Victoria Best volunteered to serve as a director, was nominated and then, in company with Ralph and Ken, was declared elected. During a brief break the new board met and announced our officers for the next year will be Ralph Gardave (President), Karen Granville (Treasurer), Erwin Buck (Membership) and Keith Rodgers (Secretary). Ken Chorel and Victoria Best will serve as directors-at-large. After a brief discussion of a new business item the meeting adjourned until next year, and we made our way out of the building, amongst a bunch of excited 10-year-olds wobbling along on skates.

If you would like to learn about our proceedings in more detail you will find the minutes of the meeting in the form of a .pdf document here.

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