Trip Description:
Launch on Mon 22nd August at 12 noon from Chikanishing Creek and head east for the first night of camping within approx. 2 hours of paddling. Will set up a base camp for the 4 nights (and/or switch sites if there’s consensus on a better site discovered) and explore the islands between Killarney and the French River area. This trip will include open water and exposed paddling between islands.
Parking permit for Chikanishing is available through or 1-888-668-7275, or can be purchased from the Killarney park office nearby.
Participants must be GLSKA members and experienced backcountry campers with all their own safety and survival necessities (food + surplus of 1 day, bear care, water filter/supply, first aid, camping equipment), and have fully seaworthy kayaks with necessary safety equipment (incl. pdf, back up paddles and skirt).
GLSKA trip classification: C-2 (GLSKA Trip Classification)
Trip Organizer: Nick Everett (
Trip Type: Wilderness camping
Group Size: Maximum 6-8 participants
Meeting Location: Chikanishing Creek, Killarney Provincial Park
Meeting Time: 19th August 2024, 12pm
Trip Maps/Charts: 41 H14 and 41 H/15
Interested? Contact Trip Organizer by email (above)