Join us from June 6-8 for GLSKA’s Annual Rendezvous at Killbear Provincial Park. We are returning to Killbear for another year to build upon our kayaking knowledge and skills and expand our circle of kayaking friends for future adventures.
Rendezvous Program
Our Rendezvous program will include a variety of workshops and skill sessions both on the water and off. Workshop sessions have been very popular at past Rendezvous and we are pleased to include them again this year. Ontario Sea Kayaking Centre will be leading the various workshop sessions on Saturday with their own instructors. Details of the workshop sessions are still being finalized. The weekend will kick off on Friday evening with a welcoming social including a cheese and grapes offering. On Saturday evening your appetite for good food will be more than satisfied at our pot luck dinner where the offerings of the many chefs among us will guarantee that you don’t go to bed hungry.
Register for Rendezvous before end of day May 30 !
This posting will not cover all your questions. More information will be e-mailed to Rendezvous registrants to provide details about workshops, planned paddling trips for the three days and campsite assignments. So, if all of your questions are not answered here, please have patience as there are still some details to be worked out.
We do need volunteers to help. Please email Ralph if you are willing to help out.
Key Points for Participants
- Registration Cost and Options
- Killbear Park information and Campsite Allocation
- Meet and Greet location
- Saturday Workshop Schedule and Clinic Selection Process
- Paddling Trips
- Potluck Information
- Alcohol permitted only in certain area
- White Squall and Rentals
1- Registration Options and Cost
Registration Type | Campsite | Cost |
Individual | Shared Site (2 Persons) | $85 per person |
Individual | Private Site (1 Person) | $135 per person |
Individual | Trailer Site | $135 per person |
Family | Private Site | $170 per family |
Family | Trailer Site | $170 per family |
Day use visitor | – | $40 per person |
Extended stay up to 2pm until Monday, 9 June | $25 additional cost for any site |
2- Killbear Park information and permit pickup location
New for 2025: Killbear Provincial Park reservation system is no longer able to assist with group bookings. In order to secure our campsites at Lighthouse Point “A”, we organized a small group of club members to reserve campsites for us all. The club will assign campsite once registration ends on May 30. Please do not reserve your own campsite in the Lighthouse Point “A” campground. You will receive an e-mail confirming your campsite allocation.
Please follow Park signage to join Rendezvous at the Lighthouse Point “A” Campground. The Kayaking unloading/loading area is at the Lighthouse Point Trail Parking Lot.
Please note: we expect a complete fire ban in the park.
3- Meet and Greet location
When you arrive, you can go directly to your assigned campsite. At some point on Friday afternoon, the grapes and cheese reception will be at, or near, campsite 1122 at Lighthouse Point. There will be greeters there, with name tags if you didn’t bring yours from last year’s Rendezvous. Please visit campsite 1122 sometime in the afternoon or later upon arrival. There will be a notice board at this location, with a display throughout the weekend and a tent structure for the gear swap.
4- Saturday Workshop and Clinic – Schedule / Selection Process
Details are still being finalized and will come out in a future email. Note that those not following the selection process will have their names drawn last from the bottom of the bucket! So look out for the details to come!
5- Paddling Trips
Details of the planned paddling trips are still being finalized. Let us know if you are interested in organizing a day trip. A list of trips will be provided prior to the weekend.
6- Potluck Information
The Potluck will be held at the day use shelter commencing at 6:30pm on Saturday. The shelter is about a ten minute drive from our camping area. Officially, the area is assigned to us as of 5:00pm. Hopefully we can gain access earlier, however early access in not guaranteed. There is no electrical power at the picnic shelter.
Please bring your contribution along with your own chair, cutlery, plate and beverage.
7- Alcohol
Alcohol consumption is permitted only on our designated campsites. That can be your campsite or that of another member of our group. Alcohol is not permitted in any of the common areas, roadways, beach locations, or the day use shelter. Please be discreet if you are travelling between campsites to visit others with open alcohol.
8- White Squall Paddling Centers and Rentals
Just wanted to say ‘hi’ to everyone and let you know we’re open 7 days/week and have a wide selection of canoes, kayaks and boards to sell & rent. We’re chock full of paddling gear and accessories – and once again happy to offer free delivery/pickup to the Rendezvous for sea kayak rentals (some conditions apply – aka, we’ll drop and pickup at designated times). Feel free to get in touch anytime and we’ll get back right quick. Thanks everyone.
Rental site:
We are also offering a $20 discount coupon on anything in either shop for Rendezvous participants. Please drop by and tell us you are part of the weekend. It will be valid from Friday till Monday at The Paddling Centre on Carling Bay Road open 9-5 and Town shop 9:30-5:30.
Enjoy Rendezvous …..
Tim and the squall gang
(705) 203 – 2955