Trip Classification

GLSKA trips are classified under the following categories: Pace/Endurance, describing the strength, endurance and fitness required to comfortably complete the trip; Skills Required, describing the paddling skills and seamanship required to handle safely the situations that could be encountered on the trip.


A Not Strenuous
Daily paddling typically less than 3 hours, with distances of 10 kilometres or less.
B Moderately Strenuous
Daily paddling typically between 3 and 5 hours, with distances of 10 to 20 kilometres.
C Strenuous
Daily paddling typically more than 5 hours, with distances of 20 kilometres or more.

Skills Required

1 Novice
Requires basic paddling skills, practised wet exits. Expect protected waters, easy landings, and shelter for resting.
2 Intermediate
Requires basic paddling skills including the ability to brace, self-rescue, and participate in assisted rescues, comfortable in one-metre waves. Mostly protected waters, some
difficult landings, and some sheltered spots for resting.
3 Experienced
Requires advanced paddling, seamanship and rescue skills. Ability to handle waves greater than 1 metre. Expect exposed waters, open crossings, large waves, moderate to strong winds, surf, fog, and potentially difficult landings. Sheltered resting and landing spots could be few.
4 Expert
Requires advanced paddling, seamanship and rescue skills. Ability to roll is strongly recommended. Expect long open crossings, rugged and exposed coast, large waves, strong winds, surf, turbulent water, fog and difficult landings.

Trip Types

Most of the Trip Type designations, such as Day, Weekend, etc. are self-explanatory. Trips are designated Wilderness if they involve camping in areas that are not designated campgrounds and/or have no, or minimal, facilities. These trips have lower limits on the number of participants and require minimum-impact camping practices. If a trip is designated Exploratory, it means the organizer has not been on the planned route or in the area before; therefore, trip conditions cannot be predicted from past experience. Trips designated Instructional are primarily educational in nature.


Trips are classified in advance. Weather conditions may make it necessary to modify these classifications on the day of the event.