2020 Annual General Meeting

This is the traditional time of year that the Board of Directors would be notifying you of the time and date of our Annual General Meeting. As we all know this past year has been unlike any other. Many activities have been curtailed due to health restrictions and some of those continue today. Pool sessions had to be cancelled this spring. In looking forward it seems uncertain that the club will be able to offer pool sessions again in the spring of 2021. Even the number of trips that were able to occur this year was severely curtailed as many areas were closed for much of the traditional paddling season.

The standard health guidelines that we have been directed to follow have made all of us apprehensive about participating in trips and presented additional challenges in being able to run them. On March 30, 2020 the Ontario Government enacted the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. This act permits the suspension of many of the provisions regarding meetings that may be laid out in corporation by-laws. This has allowed other clubs such as The Bruce Trail Club, The Cedar Springs Ski Club, and the Halton Outdoor Club (ones that I have knowledge of) to hold AGMs without the participation of its members. GLSKA also can conduct the business of the AGM in the same manner without the participation of its members. This item was discussed by the Board Members at our recent meeting. Although this is possible there are those on the board that feel that the option of participating in the meeting by the members virtually should be offered provided there is enough interest.Typically there are two items that attending members are asked to vote on. Those are the acceptance of the financial report for the year and the voting of 3 directors to either a new or renewing term of two years.

For the most part these items have already been largely covered. The financials that are presented are the same as those unanimously approved by the board this week. The only significant difference is that by the time of the AGM these financials have been approved by an independent auditor. The current slate of Directors have agreed to have their terms extended by one year. This is very similar to the measure put forward by your Board to extend memberships one year. Therefore there will be no vote on Directors. Offering the AGM via Zoom is possible provided there is enough interest in participation. This years meeting will be simplified in some respects due to the restrictions Covid-19 has placed on all club actives. If the meeting is held with members there will be some distinct differences. As you might expect there will be no physical meeting, no socializing prior to the meeting, and no keynote speaker.

The meeting will be focused on the core business items of the AGM. The AGM meeting will occur on Thursday November 19th at 7:00pm. You are being asked to respond to this email if you wish to participate in a Zoom format meeting of the AGM. Please know that if you indicate that you wish to participate in the Zoom meeting you need to be firm in your commitment to participate. This is due to the fact that the logistics of running the meeting will be different and your board will have to proceed with the preparation of a formal presentation and reports (financial, membership numbers, Rendezvous, and trips).

Please respond to me via email (gardave@sympatico.ca) not via reply to Erwin, in the event that you wish to participate in a Zoom format of the AGM meeting on Thursday November 19th at 7:00pm. Do remember that your commitment needs to be firm otherwise you are subjecting the board to go to additional logistic measures that are wasted if you do not actually participate. The response to this email will be evaluated to determine the final format of the AGM.

Ralph Gardave