Killarney, Georgian Bay August 31–September 3, 2020

Launch on Monday, August 31 at 12 noon from Town of Killarney and head east for the first night of camping within approx. 2.5 hours of paddling. Will set up a base camp for the 3 nights and explore the islands between Killarney and the French River area. This trip will include open water and exposed paddling between islands.
Parking is available for approx. $5/day at a local church parking lot in Killarney.

Trip Organizer:  Nick Everett
Trip Type & Class.:  Wilderness Camping, GLSKA classification  C2
Group Size:  Max. 5 participants
Meet up: Municipal Dock next to Pitfield’s General Store in Killarney,
at 11:30 am
Maps:  Can. Topo 41H 14 & 15.

To sign up, please contact the trip organizer